All Aboard! The Christmas Train


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Description: Nichole Mara and Andrew Kolb's All Aboard! The Christmas Train is a fun, interactive board book ride from beginning to end, featuring a running landscape dotted with objects for children to find and count on the back of the book. Folding out car by car, this accordion-style book takes readers on a tour of Santa's Christmas train. Each car has lots to see-elves making toys, penguins playing, reindeer preparing for the big day-as Santa searches for his missing boot."This delightful, non-narrative excursion unfolds-literally-in a sturdy volume that extends into a yuletide train over 4 feet long. . . . With so much to see, seek, and answer, this book has a ton of interactive appeal. The cartoonish illustrations are charming and rich in detail, and it is rendered in a lush, pleasing palette with a refreshingly brown-skinned Santa as its star. Train-loving tots may fancy this Christmas ride all year long." -Kirkus Reviews
UPC: 9781419732959
Min: 1
Multi: 1